On Weekly Review 2007-12-17 to 2007-12-21
Fall semester came to a predictable and unhappy ending: an 'A-' in my fun class, and a 'C' in my hard class. I'm not bummed, but exasperated that I didn't do better in Art. Maybe I should've put in a few more hours of effort.
The initial few days of break were everything I dreamed they would be. I wasted gross amounts of time, and dragged a few others down with me. There were romantic comedies, IMAX Will Smith running scenes, and mooching at various friends' house.
Now the 2nd week is upon me. I still feel fantastic! Granted, I'm not thrilled about the progress I've made on Yumify and other projects, but overall I'm still having a bitching time. Here are some accomplishments to cheer for:
- Yumify has rudimentary Google maps support thanks to Cartography
- Set up Playstation 2 for increased laziness during down time. GT4 is every bit as exciting even through a bad quality picture through a VGA box.
- Massive rewiring and cleanup of my room. It took approximately an hour, but as always, my room is sparkling and clutter free with a hint of orange degreaser in the air.
- Got my bro interested in web stuff. Did not complete a guide in CSS for him like I said I would. I realize I need more knowledge in that area before I could explain material to people.
- Documented Blogger variables. These will be useful when the time comes to redo the HTML for my blog template.
- Fiddled around with Photoshop and InDesign. I really had a good time in InDesign after I tried to layout a page in Photoshop. Big mistake.
- Learned a little thing called 'Clearing Floats' that beats using an superfluous HTML element to clear floated divs.
Labels: gtd
At December 27, 2007 at 12:17 AM , Arthur Klepchukov said...
I'd be happy to help offer my services if you're thinking about changing the appearance of things here. Redesign is always an interesting challenge!
Oh and I'm subscribed to your feed and a regular reader since a few weeks ago. Keep 'em comin Bluetooth :)
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